Building a Bee Box
with reused 2"x6" untreated pine
Ugo Troccoli
Side view - top to bottom
Side view - front to back
(no less than 5 inches)
front view
3 pieces screwed together
chop chop!
roof length
7 1/2 inches
roof width
5 1/2 inches
front of bee box lettering
(using 3's)
1/4" holes
4" to 5" deep
(drill hole on bit of an angle)
(drill hole on bit of an angle)
cut drip line under roof
Backing piece
around 17" length for backing piece
Front with all holes drilled
number letters added
torched around entry points and ready to hang!
(Best to have the bee box at least 2 feet high and E or SE facing capturing the most morning sun.)
(Best to have the bee box at least 2 feet high and E or SE facing capturing the most morning sun.)